jus woken up cos went to joey's frens chalet ytd nite.. played mj and i'm quite unlucky when it comes to such gambling stuff. i drank alot alot of Justea!!! very nice!! yeah get to noe some new frens...they are funny ppl...hahah

HOHO! finally i laid my hands on the long awaited Emily the Strange pursie from Dessy. wahahaa. went orchard walk ard eat ard and laugh ard. crystal is frEAKING RED.. i cant wait for december to come cos there's more FUN!!!

`To SeE a worlD In a grAin Of saNd,and a HeaVen in a wiLd floWeR, HoLd InFInity iN the Palm Of Ur Hand N Eternity in an hOuR...
You are Secret Garden!

You are lovey dovey, romantic Gackt. Try cheering
up a bit though, ok?

Which Gackt song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your soul is bound to the White Rose: The

"I've been waiting in the dark for a long
time, shining my beacon of hope through the
shadow. If you see me, don't you hide your
eyes from me."

The White Rose is associated with purity, honor,
and chastity. It is governed by the goddess
Artemis and its sign is The Cross, or Agape.

As a White Rose, you are a person of your word.
You may have a strong moral code, but
regardless of your virtue, you always stay true
to yourself. To you, love is the most pure of
emotional forms and it's just a matter of
waiting for it to bless you. Some people may
say you are too idealistic, but it's only
because you don't want to mess things up.

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are absolutely HAPPY DOING NOTHING at all! You like to lounge around and veg on the couch all day!
Happy Doing Nothing Emily

Which Emily Strange are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
`worked for 3 days and i'm sacked!!! heheh
`my legs are so tired....
`ytd watch wishing stairs with joe and maurice at 1.50am. quite funny.
`went home in the morning...

So its been long since i've last blogged.. cos kinda bored of this thing down here.. haha.. here goes wut had happened over the past week:
`celebrated drk bday by eating steamboats.
`went bq..
`went ktv
`went esplanade many many times
`talk on fone for hours
`and then talk again.
hahah cool ah?! tats basically how my life was being tortured.. except for the phone calls to perk me up at night and morning... lolz. omG! i'm starting work on wednesday as some bag promoter.. hehez nt bad ah $5 per hr.. Thanks to my fren Chris who intro the job to us! haha money money, reach out fer me! i gonna save and spend the money on my levis jeans, accessories, bq, eating and again shopping! oh btw i dyed my hair reddish brown! Nicey.. and also changed the hairstyle for which 4 yrs it remained UNCHANGED. Wahaha..cool..well, things gonna work out between us in time to come, and i really hope so. i dun wanna lead a lonely valentine next yr!! tink i will cos u look at me, i dun seem like one who will hv a partner tat soon.. So due to the upcoming festive season, i gonna put up a new lists of I-want-them-ALL things i wanna buy.. heheh! i am practically crazy over tis! my mum was saying we shld go overseas mayb to hk and bangkok OR china. i am kinda stuck cos i wanna work to earn my big bucks but then i also wanna go hk to buy my tees and cds!! arghh.. so PPL which ONE shld i CHOOSE?! if i am nt going overseas, mayb i stay alone at hme and invite frens over for some mj sessions.. go out late and no 1 noes abt it! see.. i am mad.

`and so i long to be with you by ur side no matter wut happens....
Oh Oh. today's accts managed to almost finish it but i made some careless mistakes...after i came out of the room, he msg me... tellin me he's stressed over his papers..i was jus glad he share his problems with me, really. i cant concentrate on econs cos of the complicated graphs at the last chapter on externalities and some benefit demand things...

`actions and words: which is LOUDER?