Hmm.. added midi inside the blog.. becos of the coming accts exam, i went airport to study with drk, des and zhi jun. wahahha.. damn funny cos zhi jun kept askin the same qns over AND over again.. had a hard time explainin to him...finally i am quite clear abt my depreciation charges chapter...then we went to pool junction..and then bedok for dinner..

`i onli need u..
arghhh!~ how cum my blogskin doesnt work!! i gt NO time to change it and i hv no mood to do anything irritating now..ytd nancy came over fer a stayover.. went shoppin today! bought a top from POA.. and spotted one damn nice sweater from DKNY.. Kinda filled wif nice prints and it costs $199... ate fish & co jus now..very nice but its too filling...

`Love that turns into a drop of tear and remains in the heart forever.....
Got a presentation today... All of us were in formal.. we looked really different but nice...yeah i was late for lecture with crystal earlier...I wore all black.. The presentation went on quite ok..and i kept fidgeting..but its all over already ah.. we took alot of photos together! hmm..

`Black black black
Had a fun night at leen's hse..! hahaha we played mahjong, internet, slack ard like potatoes... The egg mayo eileen made was so tasty!! Heheh i love it... Yummy... wow guess i was really exhausted tat i slp so early at 3 plus... I could hv stayed up longer... But i saw crystal slping so soundly i cant help it wut... stayovers are always fun.

`Free me from sorrows, cry me from sinfulness
So many projs deadlines coming up and i'm so tired of them!!! I'm mad abt playing gunbound this few days.. hahah.. jsu tryin to relax abit with this game....i still havent finish my projs yet..

`Tranquility of love soothes my heart, devastation of unrequited love smashes it